Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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Expert Level 1: Dry-end mechanics and troubleshooting experts

Número de artigo: D22

Cocontratante: KRONES AG - Academy

Em estoque 🛈 Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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Descrição do produto


Completed basic and advanced courses


  • Tools for troubleshooting in detail
  • Machine-specific troubleshooting at a high level
  • Overview of measuring methods
  • Time optimisation during maintenance
  • Function of motors, encoders
  • Acopos/Danfoss frequency inverter
  • Servo technology basics
  • Diagnostics and troubleshooting
  • Connection diagrams
  • General information on terminal diagrams
  • Using and applying symbols on a machine
  • Safety systems
  • Getting to know the network system
  • Maintenance optimisation with regard to total productive management

Five different dry-end machines are available in our new training hall for the practical training units.

Course objective:

When overhauling KRONES filling and packaging systems, you will come into contact with mechanical and electrical components almost every day. To obtain a better understanding of this technology and to provide you with tools for a quicker fault analysis, we have developed this training course for maintenance teams. Make use of our new training hall with machinery to improve your expert knowledge on the different machines. Become more efficient in troubleshooting by understanding the many available tools.

Fornecimento 24 horas

No caso de um fornecimento 24 horas, o envio dos produtos disponíveis será feito dentro de um dia. Para tal, basta selecionar os produtos com o símbolo de 24 horas.
Tenha em atenção que, nesse caso, são cobrados custos adicionais.

Partial delivery

No caso de um fornecimento parcial os produtos disponíveis serão enviados em alguns dias. Para o efeito, selecione os produtos que pretende adquirir de imediato.Note que serão contabilizados custos adicionais de envio. Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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