Холодная очистка KRONES hydrocare 600

Холодная очистка KRONES hydrocare 600

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Описание продукта

Hardness stabilizer for use in reverse osmosis systems based on a mixture of special anionically stabilized phosphonates.


  • Antiscalant
  • Clear, yellowish liquid
  • Suitable for use in polyamide, polyether and cellulose acetate membranes with anionic surface charge
  • Prevents the deposition of alkaline earth sulfates (also barium and strontium sulfate) at extremely high sulfate contents in the raw water (up to 15,000 ppm)
  • Disperses organic impurities and metal oxides
  • Shelf life: 24 months
  • For reverse osmosis systems
  • Packaging sizes: 23,5-kg-Jerrycan

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