KRONES machine electrical technology

Номер артикула: EOT2

Партнер по договору: KRONES AG - Academy

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Описание продукта

Necessary prior knowledge:

Participation in KRONES system electrical technology required

Modules & Topics:


  • Servo drive control
    • Signals and pulses for position and speed, processing of the pulses
    • Signal flow, function and position of “container present” sensor, touchscreen diagnostics for signals
    • More detailed information about the system itself and used hardware
    • Powerlink-Hub, Emergency-power-supply
    • How to exchange a servo drive or an ACOPOS-Multi device
    • How to do necessary adjustments and change settings
    • Find, interpret and use multiple diagnostics and function pages on the touchscreen
    • Optional: specific topics/questions attachable by customer


  • Filling valve control
    • Knowledge about FVC
    • Identify problems with the system (filling process) for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • Mixer
    • Basic insight into the mixers process steps
    • Necessary adjustments and calibrations after valve/device exchange


  • MMA modular labeller
    • Knowledge about MMA modular machine
    • Identify problems and learn fine adjustments for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • RPC labeller
    • Knowledge about RPC-Module
    • Identify Problems and learn fine adjustments for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtime
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • Contiroll
    • Gain knowledge about the Contiroll aggregate
    • Identification of problems with the system for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • APS
    • APS aggregate
    • Identification of problems with the system for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • Contiform 3
    • Basic knowledge about the Contiform 3 blow molder
    • Identification of problems with the system for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange

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При этом обращайте внимание на то, что при этом взимается плата за дополнительные расходы.

Partial delivery

При частичной поставке мы высылаем имеющиеся в наличии товары в течение нескольких дней. Выберите товары, которые Вы хотите получить немедленно.
Пожалуйста, учитывайте, что при этом начисляются дополнительные расходы за пересылку.

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