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Desmond Marishane from Kingsley Malvern

Interviewer: How long have you been using the

Desmond Marishane: It's more than 3 years of using.

Interviewer: Why did you choose

Desmond Marishane: Because the access and the service from Krones is quite good.

Interviewer: What were you surprised about?

Desmond Marishane: The surprising about using the Krones eShop is because of the service I get. Less than – more or less than – 15 minutes to get the response from them.

Interviewer: How did make business easier for you?

Desmond Marishane: Very quite easier for me because I get whatever I want so quick for me.


Talal al Harbi from Berain

Interviewer: How long have you been using the

Talal al Harbi: Hello, salam aleikum, my name is Talal al Harbi. This is our testimonial from Berain Procurement and Planning department about Krones eShop. During the last five years we have been dealing with Krones eShop which is a successful platform towards our business needs.

Interviewer: Why did you choose

Talal al Harbi: Krones eShop supported us in creating the offer online and receive the quote in the fastest time compared to the previous stage for many quotes. We are getting the notification, regular order process and delivery and even if parts are unavailable or getting upgraded with technical clarification. As well as we are able to view the eCat for machines, check the stock-keeping over and review available upgrades. Krones eShop helped us towards the centralization for the PO and ordering process. By giving the access permission to assign Berain members as whereas it keeps our privacy safe and secure.

Interviewer: Why do you recommend using to other companies?

Talal al Harbi: We thank Krones for having this platform which is excellent and improved towards our business needs and we look forward for more!


Fabien Paris and Rodolphe Pichon from Eckes Granini

Fabien Paris and Rodolphe Pichon from Eckes Granini

Interviewer: Why did you choose

Eckes Granini: It is very easy to create an account. The website itself is very intuitive and it’s very easy to order parts online.

Interviewer: How did make business easier for you?

Eckes Granini: We lose less time when placing an order and we can always see prices and stock information directly in the shop.

Interviewer: Why do you recommend using to other companies?

Eckes Granini: helps us to save time when we are ordering parts. Both the ordering and the search processes are very easy.


Vincent Béasse from Eclor Domagne

Vincent Béasse from Eclor Domagne

Interviewer: How did you hear about

Vincent Béasse: Employees of Krones, with whom we cooperate on various tasks, have recommended this service to us.

Interviewer: How has made your business easier?

Vincent Béasse: With maintenance, we save time on orders and quotations. Also, that we can search for parts directly in the drawings is very valuable for us.

Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the most remarkable thing about

Vincent Béasse: The most we like the possibility to see prices and availabilities of the different parts to search for parts in drawings.

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